Evangelical White Lies by Mike Abendroth

Evangelical White Lies
by Mike Abendroth

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

It took me a little while to get into this book, but I think that was partly due to my not being familiar with the author’s writing style. The chapters are short and stand-alone, so that may have contributed as well. That being said, this book can be used for reference as it doesn’t need to be read straight-through, but each chapter addresses a different “white lie” that seems prevalent in evangelicalism. Whether it’s the “hearing God speak to me” or the “eco-friendly lifestyle”, the different subjects are tackled and addressed with Scripture to debunk them. This is a quick read with great information for discussing some of these issues with friends and family. Particularly with Scripture being used to defend the view, this gives Biblical back-up for opposing these prevalent views.

*I received a copy of this book free from the author to review.