Death of a Dream Resurrected

In the fall of 2018 my husband and I were blessed to be able to attend Track 1 of the biblical counseling training that is offered through Faith Lafayette. They hold a yearly week-long training conference where 6 different tracks are offered in equipping and training biblical counselors. They also do regional conferences in a 3 weekend format (Friday night/Saturday for 1 weekend a month, 3 months in a row). At the time we were living in the metro Detroit area of Michigan and a local church there offered the Track 1 training in the 3 weekend format. We were excited to join several others in our church as part of this training. I planned to continue on with the Track 2 and Track 3 training in the following years as the church there planned to continue hosting the training for these 3 tracks. Several people at our church would go down to Indiana for the week long training in February, so I signed up to do Track 6 (the women’s track) along with them in February of 2019.

But God had other plans. During the months we were taking the Track 1 training, it became clear that we needed to move to the Harrisburg, PA area to help out my family. I would no longer be living in the area to take the Track 2 and 3 training when it was offered in subsequent years. By God’s grace, I was able to still go back and attend the Track 6 training in February 2019, shortly after we had bought a house in PA. But I had to let my dream of taking further training die. It was too expensive for me to take the trip back to Indiana each year to do the week long training and there were no regional trainings in my area for the 3 weekend format. I struggled with envy over those who were able to continue on with the training, but God showed me that I had made this training into a ministry idol. He was in charge of what ministries I was part of. I was His servant, called to do His will, not my own.

And then 2020 and the pandemic happened. Organizations had to re-think how to do training when in person conferences were not doable. Many options for online training and conferences became available. And Faith Lafayette began offering their training tracks online/via video. They then provided the Track 1 and 2 training in the 3 weekend format. God graciously opened my dream back up again. “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.” (James 1:17)

God’s timing is not ours. And when a dream dies, it may be that it was the wrong dream. But sometimes God resurrects a dead dream and brings it back to us. Faith Lafayette is now offering all 6 of their tracks in the 3 weekend format. You can check it out here. In God’s providence, I hope to finish Track 2 this weekend and then take Track 3 in June, July, and August.

“The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases;
his mercies never come to an end;
they are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness.
‘The Lord is my portion,’ says my soul,
‘therefore I will hope in him.’

The Lord is good to those who wait for him,
to the soul who seeks him.
It is good that one should wait quietly
for the salvation of the Lord.” (Lamentations 3:22-26)

When God Moves

The last few months have been an amazing journey of watching God work and move in my husband and my lives. At the end of September 2018, we had no idea that our entire lives were about to be changed and turned upside down. In early October, my parents and sister, who live in Pennsylvania, had an urgent need that led to my coming to help them for a week. While with them and dealing with that particular crisis, both my parents and my sister asked us to consider moving near them to continue to help as other needs arose. At first thought, my husband and I were a bit taken aback as we were heavily involved in ministries at our church and in our jobs in Michigan. But as we prayed about it and looked at Scripture, we came to 1 Timothy 5:8 “But if anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for members of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.” This seemed pretty clear that we are to help our family when they are in need.

So we put our condo in Michigan up for sale and began packing up to move. This was the beginning of November. The first person who looked at our condo put an offer on it, and ended up purchasing it. We like to say that God sold our condo in 1 day! We were astounded and amazed at how it all came together, including being able to stay in the condo for free after closing until our move date. Because our family had already planned a family reunion for the end of December and we were going to be driving out to Pennsylvania for the reunion, we decided to go ahead and move at that time. My husband Jono was able to work out with his job to continue working for them remotely even after our move to Pennsylvania. This took a lot of pressure off for him. He was also able to finish up his ministry commitments for December.

God continued to work, even in the smaller details. Moving at the end of December is not ideal, particularly when you live in a cold climate where there is huge potential for snowstorms. The day the movers came was 50 degrees! We couldn’t have asked for a better weather day at the end of December in Michigan! Then there was concern about fitting what we were taking with us into our 2 cars. Before the movers came I went back through some of the boxes I had planned to take with us and determined that they could go in storage. So 3 boxes that were going to be in our cars ended up going with the movers instead. We were able to get everything else into our cars but would not have been able to fit those 3 boxes. God graciously worked even that detail out for us!

My brother and his family were coming from Wisconsin to also drive to Pennsylvania for the family reunion. They met up with us in Michigan and we had 3 cars to caravan together on the 8-9 hour drive. Due to sleep deprivation there was some concern about driving the whole way, but because we had 4 adults that could drive we were able to switch as needed and made it safely to PA.

While we were still in Michigan, I had been looking at potential homes in PA. There was one in particular that I liked that was very close to where my family lives. We were sure that it would no longer be on the market by the time we got to PA. But in God’s gracious provision once again, it was still available and we were able to look at it in early January. After putting in an offer, it was accepted and we began the process of buying it. The original close date was scheduled for February 8, but I would be leaving the very next day to go to Indiana for counseling training and so we asked if the closing could be February 1. The lender didn’t think we could do it that quickly, so the closing was scheduled for after I got back, on February 19. Well once again, God worked and things progressed quickly with the inspection and appraisal, and we were notified that the closing was able to take place on Wednesday, January 30! This allows us to have the movers come the first week of February so that we can be in our new home before I leave for my week of training.

So many ways that God has worked through many details for us in these past few months! All praise goes to Him for how He has provided and guided. We have found a great church and are making new friends. Time will tell what ministries God provides for us to get involved in here. While this wasn’t part of the plan we had for our lives, we know that God’s plan is always better than anything that we could put together in our own human strength. He is worthy to be served, wherever that may lead us. To Him be glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen.

On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand

1. My hope is built on nothing less
Than Jesus’ blood and righteousness;
I dare not trust the sweetest frame,
But wholly lean on Jesus’ name.
On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand;
All other ground is sinking sand.

2. When darkness veils His lovely face,
I rest on His unchanging grace;
In every high and stormy gale
My anchor holds within the veil.
On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand;
All other ground is sinking sand.

3. His oath, His covenant, and blood
Support me in the whelming flood;
When every earthly prop gives way,
He then is all my Hope and Stay.
On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand;
All other ground is sinking sand.

4. When He shall come with trumpet sound,
Oh, may I then in Him be found,
Clothed in His righteousness alone,
Faultless to stand before the throne!
On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand;
All other ground is sinking sand.

(Found here)

It’s a Crazy, Beautiful Life

This past weekend I didn’t get a lot accomplished as far as chores or reading, etc., but what an amazing time of being involved with kids! As a coach for Bible Quizzing, I enjoy watching these kids compete with questions regarding the Bible verses they have studied. This past Saturday was an all day tournament with various quiz teams from Michigan, Ohio, and Pennsylvania all competing. I helped co-coach a team, none of whom are on the regular team I coach during the regular quizzes. But I’ve gotten to know all 3 over the past year as they all have been a part of Bible quizzing. The morning quizzes went well and we went into the playoffs in second place. But then the competition really set in! During the afternoon playoffs, we were up against the best teams and the scores were very close and the quizzes rather nail-biting. We ended up doing 3 quizzes and were able to win the quiz that then put us into the finals. I wasn’t sure my heart could take much more of the suspense. We had a chance to relax while the younger quizzers had their finals quiz and then we had the final quiz. And our team was able to win the final quiz to be the champions for the day for varsity quizzing. It was not without a lot of effort! The other quiz teams were very good and it was quite the competition! But to see these kids memorizing God’s Word and quoting it, using it to answer questions, what a blessing! This is something that they will always have – a knowledge of the Bible.

On Sunday afternoon I was able to attend a play put on by the community youth theater in which one of my friend’s daughters had gotten a part. She is also one of my quizzers that I am coaching this year so I wanted to attend the play that she was in. I was impressed with how well done the production was and how well all the kids sang and performed. They did a really good job with it.

Not having kids of my own, I am really enjoying getting to know my friends’ kids and be another adult in their lives. Watching them participate in competitions, being able to encourage them and show interest in their activities, these are ways to impact and make a difference in a young person’s life. And it is fulfilling for me to be a part of their lives and to watch as they grow up and mature. God has wonderfully blessed me with these opportunities and I’m so thankful for them and for these kids. They are impacting me as well.

Wrapping Up a Month of Thankfulness

Day 22 – Thankful for Bible study resources (and anniversary gifts 🙂

Day 23 – thankful for our own washer & dryer after so many years of coin laundry

Day 24 – thankful for scrapbooks/scrapbooking and the creative outlet it gives me

Day 25 – thankful for a ministry to be part of at my church – being the church “librarian”

Day 26 – thankful for cold, clean water; something not everyone in the world has easy access to

Day 27 – thankful for a dishwasher as I am not fond of washing and drying dishes

Day 28 – thankful for thyroid medication and how it helps me to function more normally

Day 29 – thankful for blogs and blogging

Day 30 – thankful for music

More Thankfulness

Day 17 – thankful for Storm and the 8 years she was a part of our lives

Day 18 – thankful for naps (Mocha likes to join me)

Day 19 – thankful for electricity

 (Mocha says hi)

Day 20 – thankful for ice cream

Day 21 – thankful for a laptop
Happy Thanksgiving!

Thankful Days

Day 10 – thankful for missions and the impact it has had on my life

Day 11 – thankful for friendships
Day 12 – thankful for family

Day 13 – thankful for coffee, especially Starbucks venti caramel macchiato

Day 14 – thankful for my Kindle Fire
Day 15 – thankful for food, particularly my favorite food, chili
Day 16 – so thankful for our house/condo

A Month of Thanks Giving

November is the month in which we celebrate Thanksgiving, a holiday where we give thanks for the many blessings in our lives. As part of this, many people use the month of November to share what they are thankful for in their lives. I am using this month to take a picture each day of something that I’m thankful for and then posting it on Facebook. Of course, there are some things for which I’m thankful that I can’t take a picture of, such as God’s love, His salvation, and His mercy in my life. But part of His love and mercy are the tangible things, such as my husband, cat, and the blessings He has given us. Here is the first week of thankful pictures:

Day 1 (November 1st), our cat Mocha

Day 2 (November 2nd), my husband Jono

Day 3 (November 3rd), our church, Lake Pointe Bible Church

Day 4 (November 4th), God and His Word, the Bible

Day 5 (November 5th), for books!

Day 6 (November 6th/Election Day), thankful for the right to vote

Day 7 (November 7), for my car 2005 Toyota Camry, still going great & all paid for!

Day 8 (November 8), for the Bible on CD that I can listen to on my commute

Day 9 (November 9), thankful for a job

Stay tuned next week for more thankfulness. I have so much to be grateful for!