Faith: A Bible Study on James for Women by Keri Folmar

Having done the Philippians study by Keri Folmar, the James study follows a similar format.

Using the inductive process of observation, interpretation and application, this study guide asks questions for each stage. The symbol of an eye marks observation questions – asking what the text is saying. A cross-like symbol marks the interpretation questions – what do these verses mean, while a heart symbol marks the application questions – making it personal in our own lives.
I am currently doing this study with my mom, sister and sister-in-law and it’s a great way to encourage each other in our study of God’s Word, sharing what we’ve learned from James and from the questions that this study guide asks.
For those who sometimes feel stuck in trying to study the Bible on their own, this guide is a great resource to use in helping to ask questions of the text, using cross-references to draw out the truths, and getting personal with the application questions so that one doesn’t just walk away without seeing how God’s Word is applicable to our daily lives. James is also a very practical book, putting our faith into action. Another great study for digging into the Bible!

*I received a copy of this Bible Study free from the publisher Cruciform Press in exchange for my review.

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